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  • 產品型號:PicoScope 3406B
  • 更新時間:2024-06-21

簡要描述:Looking for an oscilloscope that offers all the features of a high–end benchtop scope, but without the cost or bulk? Look no further

  • 4 Channels and external trigger
  • Bandwidths from 60 MHz to 200 MHz
  • Up to 128 MS  buffer size
  • 1 GS/s  real–time sampling
  • Up to 10 GS/s  repetitive sampling
  • Advanced digital triggers
  • Built–in spectrum analyser
  • Built–in function generator
  • Arbitrary waveform generator option
  • USB or mains powered

PicoScope 3400 USB Oscilloscopes all feature a high–speed USB 2.0 interface, together with impressive sampling rates, high bandwidths and a very large buffer memory.

These four–channel oscilloscopes simply connect to the USB port on any standard Windows based computer, making full use of your PC’s processing capabilities, large screens and familiar graphical user interfaces. Whether you’re used to traditional benchtop oscilloscopes or modern PC oscilloscopes all scopes in the PicoScope 3000 Series offer outstanding performance and ease of use.



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