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  • 產(chǎn)品型號(hào):美國(guó)AT公司EG-3000 &amp; EG-3000T
  • 更新時(shí)間:2024-06-21

簡(jiǎn)要描述:The EG-3000 is the culmination of 20 years of fault locator development based upon field experience.


UNDERGROUND CABLE FAULT LOCATOR With Automatic Cable-Saving Voltage Control*

The EG-3000 is the culmination of 20 years of fault locator development based upon field experience. It is a complete system, employing the most effective fault location electronics, plus many features for safety and operational convenience. Most outstanding of these is the system's Automatic Cable-Saving Voltage Control.*

When pulsing a line to establish a fault, the EG-3000 applies only the breakdown voltage needed. Just as important, once the breakdown or flash to ground is achieved, the voltage is automatically reduced to the minimum amount needed to keep the fault alive and the fault current is increased. Up to 2.2 amps is available to locate through asphalt and concrete or dry sand and soil. Try that with an AC type fault locator.

The Transmitter

  • Faults up to 20 Meg Ohm
  • Over 2 amps of current available
  • Automatic voltage control
  • Up to 3 kV output
  • Operates from 120V source, 12V external source, or 12V 7Ah rechargeable internal battery.
  • Prevents cable and insulation damage
  • Proof tests cables before returned to service.
  • 120V. Protection for hookups to live cables.

Optional Cable Tracer

The EG-3000 is available with a built in cable tracing system. (Order Model EG-3000T). It is a highly effective line locator featuring a high gain receiver with a swivel antenna allowing for peak, null, and depth readings with ease. It has 5 step impedance matching for maximum tracing ability in all soil conditions. An Inductive Coupler and Inductive Antenna are available as accessories.

An accessory A-Frame is available (24" probe spacing).




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