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AVO 電器測試儀pat350 PAT320

  • 產(chǎn)品型號:
  • 更新時(shí)間:2024-06-20

簡(jiǎn)要描述:Simple manual or automatic testing;230 V 110 V operation;Bond testing at 25 A,10 A 200 mA;Full colour display; Tests portable RCDs extension leads; Outsting productivity


AVO 電器測試儀pat350 PAT320


PAT320 PAT350
Portable Appliance Tester

■ Simple manual or automatic testing
■ 230 V 110 V operation
■ Bond testing at 25 A,10 A 200 mA
■ Full colour display
■ Tests portable RCDs extension leads
■ Outsting productivity

The PAT300 series will carry out all test requirements automatically with one button press.

PAT320 is the PAT tester if you need high productivity with a tough easy to use instrument. If you are moving into PAT testing for the first time or you don’t want the complexity of database management, PAT320 is ideal for you.

PAT350 has additional flash test functions is the ideal tester for high throughput requirements if you work in a tool hire company or a service centre.

The PAT300 series provides outsting productivity with the capability to test record numbers of appliances per hour.

In addition to automatic testing, the ability to run each test individually is particularly well suited to service repair organisations carrying out fault diagnostics

電    話(huà):

傳    真:
地    址: 北京市朝陽(yáng)區大郊亭中街2號華騰3座11A 



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