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  • 產(chǎn)品型號:Cropico DO6
  • 更新時(shí)間:2024-06-20

簡(jiǎn)要描述:Cropico DO6微歐計

Cropico DO6
Covering a wide range of measurements from 1 micro ohm to 200 kilo ohm, the DO6 ohmmeter is a comprehensive ohmmeter with many features incorporated as standard.
These benefits include manual and automatic range selection; temperature compensation for copper, referencing the measurement of copper to 20°C; voltage limiting facility for those wishing to measure switch contact resistance to International Standards.


Cropico DO6
Technical specification

4 Terminal Kelvin/Thomson, eliminating lead resistance errors
4.5 digit 15mm 7 segment LED with polarity and overload indication. 2 digit 16 segment LED for unit display
9 ranges manual selection with up/down keys, automatic selection with autorange function
Auto Zero
Permits the automatic zero of amplifiers and external circuits
Temperature Compensation
Measurement compensated for the following referenced to 20°C:Copper Cu = 3.93%/KBrass Ms63 = 1.50%/KBrass Ms80 = 1.60%/KAmbient sensed with Pt 100 sensor
Relay Output
For the pre-selected upper and lower limit values “Too small”,“Correct”, “Too large” Contact load = 30W max 48V 1 Amp
Dry Circuit Measurement
In accordance with DIN 41640 part 4 and IEC – 132-1 Open circuit voltage limited to 18mV
RS232 25 pin D-Bush talk listen function
4mm safety sockets
Working Temperature
0°C to 50°C rel. humidity 90% max. non-condensing
Storage Temperature
-20°C to +60°C
Mains Supply
230 Volts +6% - 10%45Hz to 65Hz approx. 30VA
IEC 1010 Protective Class 1
255mm x 90mm x 263mm (W D H) approx
5kg approximay





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