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  • 產(chǎn)品型號:Cropico DO4001
  • 更新時(shí)間:2024-06-20

簡(jiǎn)要描述:Cropico DO4001微歐計(帶溫度補償)

Cropico DO4001
The model 4001 also includes temperature compensation, with preset coefficients for copper and aluminium plus user settable coefficients for other materials. Temperature measurement over the range -50...+800 deg. C is also available.
This portable digital milliohmmeter is a practical instrument for low resistance measurement, ideal for use in the workshop, field or test facilities. This milliohmmeter is of rugged construction contained in a sturdy plastic case.
The Series 4000 has many advanced features, including Auto ranging, forward and reverse current measurement with auto average, True current zero, protection up to 415 volts rms, digital calibration and long scale length, 4,000 count and auto power down to maximise battery life.


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