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REX GAUGE 雷克斯2100輪胎硬度計

  • 產(chǎn)品型號:
  • 更新時間:2024-06-21

簡要描述:REX GAUGE 雷克斯2100輪胎硬度計


REX GAUGE 雷克斯2100輪胎硬度計

Tire hardness can be a critical factor in setting up a race car. A tire that's too hard may sacrifice traction, while a tire that's too soft may give great traction but wear too quickly, and an unmatched set of tires may result in an ill handling car. To properly set up a car, a measure of tire hardness is necessary, and the easiest and most cost-effective way to obtain such a measure is to use a durometer.
The Type A durometer as specified by ASTM D-2240 is the gauge used by tire manufacturers to measure hardness of tire rubber. The gauge gives readings of hardness in durometer points on a scale of 0-100, with 100 being the hardest reading. Some race tires come from the factory with the durometer hardness noted on the side wall, but factors such as ambient temperature, track temperature, usage, and age of the tire can change the actual hardness of the tire from the factory hardness.
Rex Gauge Company's 2100 Tire Durometer allows racers to quickly and accuray make checks of tire hardness. Unlike other "racing durometers" (which are just relative hardness gauges), the Rex 2100 is calibrated to the ASTM D-2240 standard for durometer hardness and is traceable to N.I.S.T. Thus, the Rex 2100 allows comparison with the factory tire specifications.
The 2100 is a handheld gauge weighing only 4.2 oz. The indicator case, bezel, and barrel are all billet machined aluminum. Because of its billet construciton, and the fact that the durometer is manufactured in the USA by Rex Gauge Company (an industry leader in durometers for over 60 years), the craftsmanship that goes into the 2100 is unsurpassed. The gauge is furnished with a carrying case and a one year warranty.


:    -8009  郭

: www.annovatech.com




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