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  • 產(chǎn)品型號:美國AR公司620L
  • 更新時(shí)間:2024-06-20


Fully Automated Line Leakage Tester
The LINECHEK® Model 620L is a fully automated Line Leakage tester that can be configured to perform 8 of the most commonly required Line Leakage tests. The 620L has the most common measuring devices (MD's) already incorporated into the instrument and can perform patient lead tests with an optional scanning matrix. The 620L also features a continuous run capability which allows the DUT to be run without shutting down between line leakage tests. This remains true even in reverse polarity conditions. When configured with an optional Run test feature, the 620L can also monitor minimum and maximum readings for Voltage, Current, Watts, Power Factor, and Leakage Current. It can be configured for use in stand alone applications or as part of a test system when interconnected to any Associated Research Hipot or Ground Bond tester. The 620L may also be interconnected with the AC1000 Power source to provide clean power to the DUT and allow for full adjustment of DUT input voltage. For automated control of applied part test points, the 620L may be combined with the SC6540 modular scanning matrix. Lastly, Ethernet, RS-232 or GPIB communication interfaces allow for the automated control of the instrument.

: -8012謝


Emai: farley668




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