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  • 產(chǎn)品型號:308A
  • 更新時(shí)間:2024-06-20




The model 308A insulation tester is intended primarily for periodic testing of industrial motors, transformers, electrical wiring, and cable insulation for signs of deterioration. Low readings may indicate impending failure allowing for permit replacement of suspect component during routine maintenance rather than risking component failure. It is also useful for safety testing of TV sets and appliances to assure no hazardous leakage current. The voltage and resistance ratings for insulation testing are often specified for the product to be tested.
Test insulation to 2000Mohms
Selectable 250V, 500V, or 1000V insulation test
Low ohm resistance test ranges 2Kohm & 20ohm
3 1/2 Digit LCD
200mA Short circuit test
Extra rugged integral carrying case
Locking switch for extended testing
Live circuit indicator warns of safety hazard
Volt meter to 600Vac
Overload protection
IEC 1010-1 Cat III 600V / CE



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