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  • 產(chǎn)品型號:PicoScope 3205A
  • 更新時(shí)間:2024-06-20

簡(jiǎn)要描述:At Pico we continue to push the limits of USB oscilloscopes. Our new PicoScope 3000 Series offers the highest performance available from any USB–powered oscilloscope on the market today.



2 Channels and external trigger
  • 200 MHz  bandwidth
  • 128 MS  buffer size
  • 500 MS/s  real-time sampling
  • 10 GS/s  repetitive sampling
  • 200 MHz  spectrum analyser
  • Built-in function generator/AWG
  • USB-connected and powered

Oscilloscopes in the PicoScope 3000 Series all feature a high–speed USB 2.0 interface, together with impressive sampling rates, high bandwidths and a very large buffer memory.

PicoScope computer oscilloscopes simply connect to the USB port on any standard Windows based computer, making full use of your PC’s processing capabilities, large screens and familiar graphical user interfaces. Whether you’re used to traditional benchtop oscilloscopes or modern PC Oscilloscopes the PicoScope 3000 Series offers outstanding performance and ease of use.



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