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  • 產(chǎn)品型號:PicoScope 3425
  • 更新時(shí)間:2024-06-20

簡(jiǎn)要描述:With the PicoScope 3425 differential oscilloscope you can do so without the need for expensive differential preamplifiers or probes.


Everything you need to take differential measurements

The PicoScope 3425 USB Oscilloscope comes in a tough carry case complete with all the probes, leads, clips and adaptors you need to start taking differential measurements (see the specifications for full details of the supplied hardware and software). Just install the user-friendly software, connect the oscilloscope to a USB port on your Windows PC and you’re ready to go. No complicated set up procedures. No effort required.

Take it with you wherever you go

The PicoScope 3425 doesn’t need to be confined to your lab or workbench. Its small, lightweight design makes it the perfect portable differential oscilloscope, while the anti-slip case means that your scope can be used either horizontally or vertically – ideal when space is at a premium.

Powerful oscilloscope and DAQ software


PicoScope at a glance

PicoScope 6 includes the following features:

  • 10,000 waveform buffer
  • Advanced zoom controls
  • Auto–arrange axes
  • Auto setup
  • Automated measurements
  • CMD–line file conversions
  • Continuous streaming mode
  • Custom probes
  • Digital persistence mode
  • Easy data export
  • Free updates
  • Linear interpolation
  • Mask limit testing
  • Math functions
  • Reference waveforms
  • Resolution enhancement
  • Serial decoding
  • Sin(x)/x interpolation
  • Spectrum analyzer mode
  • XY oscilloscope mode

The PicoScope 3425 comes complete with our feature-rich PicoScope 6 oscilloscope software. Multiple scope and spectrum views, automatic measurements and a waveform buffer for storing multiple events can all be controlled using the familiar Windows interface. Data from PicoScope can be exported in text, binary and graphical formats.

PicoLog data acquisition software is also included along with a software development kit (should you wish to use your PicoScope 3425 in your own applications).

The easy and inexpensive way to measure floating voltages

The PicoScope 3425 differential USB oscilloscope allows you to measure floating voltages, and signals where common-mode noise is present, with ease and without the need for expensive differential preamplifiers or probes. The maximum common mode and differential range of 400 V ensures the PicoScope 3425 is suitable for many common applications; while the included accessories and easy-to-use software allow you to get the maximum from your PicoScope, with the minimum of effort.

If you’re looking for an easy and cost-effective way to measure non-ground referenced high voltages or low level signals in the presence of common-mode noise, you need a PicoScope 3425 differential oscilloscope.

: -8012謝


Emai: farley668



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