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  • 產(chǎn)品型號:LLT
  • 更新時(shí)間:2024-06-20


The Seaward LLT live line tester is a voltage detector ideal for live line testing on systems up to 1100V DC, and is encapsulated in a high impact rugged enclosure with high-visibility cable. The unit is fitted with high-intensity red LED indicators and a polarizing filter making it clearly visible, even in direct sunlight.
Designed specifically for live line applications, the LLT high voltage indicator ensures conductor rails have been isolated from the power supply before maintenance or inspection work commences on rail track systems. The Seaward PH3-LLT proving unit is ideal for proof testing before and after use supplied in a high visibility holster with belt clip. The LLT and proving unit are approved by NetworkRail -Certificate of Acceptance No. PA05/03345

: -8012謝


Emai: farley668



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