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產(chǎn)品中心/ products

您的位置:首頁(yè)  -  產(chǎn)品中心  -  電力測試儀器  -  交直流耐壓測試儀  -  直流電壓測試儀


  • 產(chǎn)品型號:RT32
  • 更新時(shí)間:2024-06-20


RT32直流電壓測試儀: Wireless AC Circuit Identifier (869MHz) with External Probe
Local & Remote non-contact Voltage Detection + Remote Light Detection
Combines non-contact voltage and light detection with RF (Radio Frequency) transmission technology
Remoy identifies mid-run AC wiring, circuit breakers, switched lines, AC outlets, and light fixtures
Non-contact mid-run AC wiring identification without cutting into wires
Lighting circuit identification using built-in light sensor
Non-contact handheld voltage (NCV) detection
External NCV probe can be used to identify wiring in hard-to-reach areas where the transmitting unit cannot fit
AC Outlet Extender can be used to identify AC outlets
Complete with transmitter, receiver, remote probe, 4 AAA batteries and case
Wireless AC Circuit Identifier (869MHz) with External Probe
Local & Remote non-contact Voltage Detection + Remote Light Detection
Combines non-contact voltage and light detection with RF (Radio Frequency) transmission technology
Remoy identifies mid-run AC wiring, circuit breakers, switched lines, AC outlets, and light fixtures
Non-contact mid-run AC wiring identification without cutting into wires
Lighting circuit identification using built-in light sensor
Non-contact handheld voltage (NCV) detection
External NCV probe can be used to identify wiring in hard-to-reach areas where the transmitting unit cannot fit
AC Outlet Extender can be used to identify AC outlets
Complete with transmitter, receiver, remote probe, 4 AAA batteries and case


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