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您的位置:首頁(yè)  -  產(chǎn)品中心  -  電力測試儀器  -  低電阻測量?jì)x  -  微歐計


  • 產(chǎn)品型號:Cropico DO5001
  • 更新時(shí)間:2024-06-20

簡(jiǎn)要描述:Cropico DO5001微歐計

Cropico DO5001
The DO5001micro ohmmeter encompasses all the features required of an ohmmeter in one instrument. Automatic temperature compensation and Hi / Lo limits permits sorting of components with the minimum of fuss. All these options are included in the basic unit as well as a data logging function which stores up to 4,000 readings with date and time stamp.
Statistical analysis of these values allows you to display the max/min/average values as well as peak to peak. The DO5001 micro ohmmeter is a truly remarkable instrument and ideally suited for laboratory testing of samples, for production line testing, fast measurement mode which measures at 50 measurements per second.
For applications where portability is required the model 5001 may be powered either from the mains or by the inbuilt rechargeable batteries.


Cropico DO5001
Technical specification

4 wire eliminates lead resistance
LCD Graphics panel with backlight 30,000 count
Manual / Automatic
Auto Zero
Value Average Hold
Systems Interface
RS232 fitted as standard, IEEE-488, PLC option
4mm safety sockets
Working Temperature
0°C ... 45°C
Storage Temperature
Mains Supply
230 V ±10%, 115 V ±10% 47...63Hz
IEC 1010 Class 1
339 x 324 x 131mm (W D H)
Supplied with RS232 interface, mains cord, handbook and certificate of conformity

Resistance ranges

Min. Current
Max. Current
Accuracy at full rated current
 ±(0.03% Rdg +0.02% FS)
 ±(0.03% Rdg +0.01% FS)
 ±(0.03% Rdg +0.01% FS)
 ±(0.03% Rdg +0.01% FS)





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