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產(chǎn)品中心/ products

您的位置:首頁(yè)  -  產(chǎn)品中心  -  電力測試儀器  -  低電阻測量?jì)x  -  數字毫歐姆表


  • 產(chǎn)品型號:BK310
  • 更新時(shí)間:2024-06-20


The model 310 Digital Milli-? Meter is used to ensure continuity and integrity of a wire, cable, conduit or any electrical connection. The 310 has a display resolution of 100 micro-ohms and has a professional four wire Kelvin test lead set included to ensure accurate readings. The heavy duty case has a rubber seal to make the unit water resistant and a convenient shoulder strap.
Four wire Kelvin lead measurements
Over-voltage and over-temperature protection
5 ranges with 100µ ohm max resolution
Water resistant case with shoulder strap
Auto Power Off
Included: 4-Wire Kelvin Leads, Carrying Case with Shoulder Strap and Batteries

Model 310
Measuring Ranges
0 - 200.0mΩ in steps of 100µΩ
0 - 2000mΩ in steps of 1mΩ
0 - 20.00Ω in steps of 10mΩ
0 - 200.0Ω in steps of 100mΩ
0 - 2000Ω in steps of 1Ω
±0.5% of reading ±2 digits over the operating temperature range, -15°C to +55°C, with the supplied test leads
Test Current
1mA => 2000 Ω range
10mA => 200 / 20 Ω ranges
100mA => 2000m / 200m Ω ranges
Test Current Accuracy
Protection Fuses
Mains = 0.5A, HBC, 5 × 20mm, DIN
Current = 1A, HBC, 5 × 20mm, DIN
Voltage = 0.5A, HBC, 5 × 20 mm, DIN
Maximum Output Voltage (C1-C2)
250 (L) × 190 (W) × 110 (D) mm
1500g (approximate)
Accessories Included
Test Leads
Instruction manual
Shoulder belt
1.5V (AA) × 8 Batteries


: -8012謝


Emai: farley668



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