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  • 產(chǎn)品型號:Cropico DO5000
  • 更新時(shí)間:2024-06-20

簡(jiǎn)要描述:Cropico DO5000微歐計

The DO5000 microhmmeter is a truly remarkable instrument and ideally suited for laboratory testing of samples, for production line testing, and with the addition of the interfaces RS232 / IEEE-488 or PLC, the DO5000 may be remoy controlled. Automatic temperature compensation and Hi / Lo limit permits sorting of components with the minimum of fuss. All these options are included in the basic unit as well as a data logging function which stores up to 4000 readings with date and time stamp. Statistical analysis of these values allows you to display the max / min /average values as well as peak to peak and standard deviation. The DO5000 will even calculate cable lengths in ohms/metre.


Cropico DO5000
Technical specification

4 wire eliminates lead resistance
LCD Graphics panel with backlight 30,000 count
Manual / Automatic
Auto Zero
Value Average Hold
Systems Interface
RS232 fitted as standard, IEEE-488, PLC option
4mm safety sockets
Working Temperature
0°C ... 45°C
Storage Temperature
Mains Supply
230V ±10%, 115V ±10% 47...63Hz
IEC 1010 Class 1
339 x 324 x 131mm (W D H)
Supplied with RS232 interface, mains cord, handbook and certificate of conformity

Resistance ranges

Min. Current
Max. Current
Accuracy at full rated current
 ±(0.03% Rdg +0.02% FS)
 ±(0.03% Rdg +0.01% FS)
 ±(0.03% Rdg +0.01% FS)
 ±(0.03% Rdg +0.01% FS)



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