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  • 產(chǎn)品型號:Cropico DO4A
  • 更新時(shí)間:2024-06-20

簡(jiǎn)要描述:Cropico DO4A便攜式數字微歐計

Cropico DO4A
This portable digital ohmmeter is a practical instrument for low resistance measurement, ideal for use in the workshop, field or test facilities. It is of rugged construction contained in an aluminium case with tilt handle.
The DO4A has many advanced features, including protection up to 415 volts rms, digital calibration and long scale length, 4,000 count. The rechargeable sealed lead acid battery means real portability with more than 14 hours continuous operation, without the problems normally associated with other battery types. Full measurement capability is maintained whilst charging.


Cropico DO4A
Technical specification

4 Terminal Kelvin/Thomson principle eliminates error due to lead resistance. Open circuit measurement voltage approx. 5V dc.
15mm LCD 4,000 count with automatic decimal point and polarity indication.
6 Push button selected with LED indication
Auto Zero
Permits the automatic zero of amplifiers and external circuits eliminating errors due to thermal emf.
Digital, security key protected
415 rms maximum at input terminals
6 Volt 2.8 Ah sealed lead acid, replaceable. Operating Time: 14 hours typical on bottom range, 28 hours typical on other ranges. Internal charger with automatic switch-off to prevent deep discharge.
Executive Lead Pack
This lead pack consists of four test leads, 1 metre long, with 4mm banana plugs, 4 crocodile clips, 4 test prods and 2 Kelvin Clips (combined current and potential clips).
4mm binding posts accept spade tags and 4mm banana plugs
4mm safety sockets
Working Temp
0...40°C rel. humidity 80% max. non-condensing
Storage Temp
-20 ... +50°C
Mains Supply
100/120/220/240 Volts +10% -13%. 47 ... 63Hz. 20VA
IEC 348 Protective Class 1
215 x 250 x 88mm (W D H): 1/2 19" rack. 2U high (467 x 374 x 216mm packed in card carton)
 3.5kg (4.5kg packed in card carton)
Supplied complete with mains cord, measuring leads with Kelvin Clips, handbook and certificate of conformity



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