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  • 產品型號:電纜故障探測系統(tǒng)
  • 更新時間:2024-06-20



Electromagnetic Impulse Detector
• Indicates direction of fault
• Works under all weather conditions
• Survives rough handling and transport
• Converts to voltage gradient tester with optional earth frame
• Long-lasting 9-volt battery
The Electromagnetic Impulse Detector has been designed to localize faults on buried cable by detecting the magnitude and polarity of current established on a cable during surging with a surge generator.
The instrument is composed of an amplifier module, sheath coil, and carrying case. It is typically used on network systems to isolate a fault between manholes. An optional earth frame and surface coil are available.
The Electromagnetic Impulse Detector can be used with Megger PFL Systems or with surge generators of other manufacturers.



n Exclusive output level meter with zero center shows
both magnitude and polarity of impulse current.
n Wide-range calibrated gain control adjusts to any
n Compact, rugged, and weather resistant.
n Optional surface coil for tracing route of underground
cable from the impulse or burn signal
Dimensions: 14 H x 19 W x 8.75 D in.
(36 H x 49 W x 23 D cm)
Weight: 11.5 lb (5.2 kg)
Optional Surface Coil
Weight: 1.5 lb (0.7 kg)
Optional Earth Frame
Weight: 6 lb (2.7 kg)
The MPP1000 has been designed to pinpoint faults in
shielded, direct buried cables by detecting both the
electromagnetic and acoustic pulses emitted from an arcing
fault when it is surged. The MPP1000 can be used as an
electromagnetic only detector with acoustic detector, or
with single or dual detector
configurations. As a single
detector, the set provides detection
of acoustic emission, measurement
of time delay between acoustic
and electromagnetic signals, and
distance to the fault. If a second
detector is added, the set will also
display the direction to the fault.
The MPP1000 can be used with
any surge generator.




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