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  • 產(chǎn)品型號:美國AR公司7650
  • 更新時(shí)間:2024-06-20


0-5KV AC/DC w/IR Fully-Automated Dielectric Analyzer
HypotULTRA® III, model 7650, is a 3-in-1 dielectric analyzer with an enhanced graphic LCD and analog bar graph. HypotULTRA® III provides AC/DC Hipot and Insulation Resistance testing. In addition, through the 2K Ohm test mode, it is able to perform point-to-point continuity and hipot tests at voltages up to 5,000 volts with one set of test connections. It can be used as bench top instrument or as a PC controlled system used in tandem with our stand alone Autoware® control software. It is well suited for automated hipot testing needs. Extended test capability is provided with the optional 4 or 8 port built-in scanning matrix and the 2K Ohm continuity test mode. The ability to perform multiple tests with a single connection will increase production and efficiency while saving time and money.The enhanced graphic greatly simplifies the user interface and makes testing safer, easier and more reliable than ever before

: -8012謝


Emai: farley668



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