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  • 產(chǎn)品型號:美國AR公司8104
  • 更新時(shí)間:2024-06-20


Model 8104
4-in-1 Electrical Safety Compliance Analyzer
OMNIA® 4 provides AC Hipot, DC Hipot, Insulation Resistance and Ground Bond/Continuity tests in a single DUT connection. An optional built-in 8 port scanning matrix is also available. OMNIA® model 8104 can be used as a bench top instrument or as a PC controlled system used in tandem with our Autoware® control software. It is best suited for applications that require multiple electrical safety tests. The ability to perform these tests with a single instrument through one DUT connection will increase production and efficiency allowing manufacturer's to save time and monty. It features an enhanced graphic LCD and simplified user interface that makes testing safer, easier and more reliable than ever before


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