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Gascoseeker MK2-500氣體檢測儀

  • 產(chǎn)品型號:
  • 更新時(shí)間:2024-06-19

簡(jiǎn)要描述:GMI Gascoseeker MK1 natural gas detector and gas purge monitor


Built on the success of the robust and reliable Gascoseeker MK2, the Gascoseeker 2-500 is the UK gas industry standard instrument for measuring % LEL and % volume flammable hydrocarbons, with over 20,000 instruments in use in the UK gas industry.

The two-button operation means the Gascoseeker 2-500 is easy to use and operator training can be conducted quickly. The rugged design allows the Gascoseeker 2-500 to be used in harsh environments. The Gascoseeker 2-500 is also fully compatible with our range of calibration software and equipment.

  • Automatic range selection
  • Simple 2-button operation, allowing user access to all features
  • Accurate and extremely reliable low-cost instrument
  • Integral pump with flowpath protected by water filter
  • Rugged carbon loaded polypropylene case, sealed to IP54 rating and suitable for outdoor use
  • LCD with backlighting, which displays the current gas readings (in both digital and analogue format), together with operational and status information
  • Can be checked/calibrated via an infra-red link to GMI Auto Test Calibration Unit, without opening the instrument
  • Comprehensive range of accessories
  • ATEX approved


Measuring Ranges




Power Supply

Sampling System

Physical Properties


: -8030

/ carrie_861121



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