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專(zhuān)業(yè)銷(xiāo)售 DynaLIFEDx儀器

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  • 更新時(shí)間:2024-06-18



DynaLIFEDx is a major Canadian medical laboratory offering a complete range of diagnostic testing services. With its main testing facility located in Edmonton, Alberta, Canada, DynaLIFEDx has provided high quality laboratory services across Canada for more than 50 years.

Company Profile
The DynaLIFEDx partnership provides diagnostic laboratory services to more than 2000 physicians and one million patients annually. The laboratory, locally managed from its state-of-the-art facility in Edmonton, performs more than 14 million tests every year. Our mandate is to provide high quality, cost-effective services to our clients to assist in the diagnosis and monitoring of patients’ and employees’ health. The laboratory employs the newest technologies to ensure that patients receive the best possible laboratory services.

DynaLIFEDx services are provided by approximay 800 laboratory employees working at more than 30 sites including hospital laboratories, community patient care centres, and through a collection service. The laboratory also performs referral testing, and offers consulting and management services to a wide range of health care organizations.

DynaLIFEDx recognizes the importance of participating in the education of future laboratory professionals and the advancement of laboratory sciences. Our involvement in training programs, medical research and the development of new and improved methodologies is extensive.

DynaLIFEDx and its partners conduct more than 175 million routine and specialized laboratory tests annually.


Our Vision
To be the partner of choice for quality diagnostic services to enhance health and wellness.


Our Mission
Together we make a difference in people's lives through excellence in medical laboratory testing, diagnostics and customer care.
Our Values
We are passionate about patient care.
We are sensitive and responsive to our customers' needs.
We are committed to high standards and doing things right.
We take responsibility for our actions and decisions.
We foster innovation through learning and research.
We embrace change.
We have honest and open communication.
We care about each other and embrace diversity.
We support each other and work as a team.
We support professional and personal growth.
We support our communities.
We celebrate our successes.

:    -8007

: www.annovatech.com
: caoye513





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