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專業(yè)銷售 ZENNER 水表

  • 產(chǎn)品型號:
  • 更新時間:2024-06-18

簡要描述:ZENNER 水表


We offer two different meter types for the housing industry: single-jet meters and capsule meters. These are typically used for the sub-distribution of water consumption in apartment buildings. Different fittings are available for the capsule meters. These allow the simple retroactive installation of water meters when no central metering possibility exists.

Construction dry-dial

Our single-jet meters and the meters from our capsule and fittings meters programs are extra dry-dial meters. The transmission from the wet chamber to the counter occurs via a magnetic coupling. Thus, only the turbine works in the wet chamber. The counter rollers have no contact with the water. Malfunctions such as counter blockages due to polluted water are avoided and this shows in the excellent measuring results and the long lasting measuring stability.

ZENNER Apartment water meters overview

Eight-roller counter

Readings of the consumed cubic meters including the decimal places are safe and simple using our new modular counter with 8-digit rollers. With this counter, we simplified the required gear transmission ratio and compressed it constructively. This allowed us to make room for three different retrofittable modules. The meter is no longer as high as it used to be and thus, has a very modern appearance. The star wheel in the middle shows impeller movements from the smallest of flows and can for example, be used to detect leakage.

:    -8007

: www.annovatech.com
: caoye513





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