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專業(yè)銷售 英國Uniscan Instruments OSP370 Non-contact surf

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  • 更新時(shí)間:2024-06-18

簡要描述:英國Uniscan Instruments OSP370 Non-contact surf



Non-contact surface profiling

Utilising a non-contact laser displacement sensor, the OSP370 module allows fast and accurate non-contact surface measurement to a very high accuracy. Features of less than one micrometer can be imaged and measured over a height measurement range of 10 mm without touching the sample surface.

non-contact surface profiling

The OSP370 incorporates a CCD displacement sensor mounted on the scanning head of the M370 workstation. A small spot of laser light at 650nm is projected down onto the sample surface and the scattered light is focused on to the CCD array allowing the direct displacement measurement of the diffuse scattered light. This allows very accurate surface height profile of the entire surface to be generated and thus measurement the surface roughness and topography features.

optical surface profile of sensor


Most importantly, the OSP370 module will allow the use of the generated data subsequently to alter the height of the probe in any of the other electrochemistry techniques, so the probe can scan over uneven surfaces whilst maintaining a constant distance of the probe from the sample.


Non-contact surface profile of electrochemical sensor surface (sample courtesy of Oncoprobe Ltd.)

optical surface profile of steel sample



Optical Surface Profile of coated steel sample scored and used in subsequent electrochemical investigations.

3D rendering of OSP370 data








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: www.annovatech.com
: caoye513




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