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專(zhuān)業(yè)銷(xiāo)售 valcom環(huán)境數據采集VEDAS II

  • 產(chǎn)品型號:
  • 更新時(shí)間:2024-06-18




Valcom Environmental Data Acquisition
System II (VEDAS II)

  • vedas2_2.jpg


  • 21 - Analog inputs (single ended)
  • 7 - Analog input (differential)
  • 2 - 16 bit parallel digital inputs
  • 1 - 3 or 4 digit encoder inputs
  • 1 - 8 bit wind direction (45B or 77C)
  • 6 - event inputs
  • 1 - wind speed (45B or 77C)
  • 2 - 500mA switched power strobes
  • 1 - 1000mA switched power strobe
  • 4 - individual voltage references
  • 2 - SDI-12 ports
  • ephone interface
  • Data archiving
  • Goes/Argos salite communications capability
  • Rugged Nema packaging
  • -40C to +50C
  • 2 - RS-232C ports with:
  • 256K EPROM (expandable)
  • 32K RAM (expandable)
  • user friendly real-time software and a terminal strip

Detailed Description

The VEDAS II is a self-contained real-time data acquisition platform. Its modular design makes it compley user programmable and configurable. Its high accuracy, reliability, rugged packaging and real-time software is ideal for military, aviation, industrial, hydrological and meteorological applications.

Valcom has added a fifth generation to its family of data collection systems with addition of the hydro-met Data Collection System (DCS).

The system is designed to be a low power, reliable, small size DCS capable of being interfaced with a variety of common sensors. A quick review of the list of hydro-met features highlights the fact that the system is capable of handling the majority of user needs in a cost effective fashion.

With the availability of future sensor expansion, a DCS installed now can be moved in the field or reconfigured at some future date. The wide range of standard sensors which can be directly interfaced to the DCS include:

  • temperature
  • relative humidity
  • battery voltage and internal temperature
  • up to four other analog sensors inputs, such as:
    • nitrogen tank pressure for service manometers
    • ice conductivity
    • solar isolation cells
    • pH or other similar water quality sensor, etc.
  • up to two separate Memomark or equivalent 16 bit water level encoders
  • a three or four digit input port for use with Baldwin type shaft encoders
  • one 8 bit parallel digital channel free for future applications
  • six event inputs for tipping bucket rain gauge, lightning detectors, ice-out detector, intrusion alarm, emergency signal generator, etc.
  • one dedicated 8 bit channel for use with either 45B or 77C type AES anemometers

The new hydro-met DCS is also over 50% smaller in size than the last generation. At the same time the standard on-board operation memory has been increased to 256K of EPROM and 32K of RAM.

Field servicing has been greatly simplified through the introduction of a detachable and interchangeable terminal strip. The terminal strip is an integral part of the DCS access cover. Once all sensors, etc have been wired in the terminal strip, they need never be disconnected except for replacement. If the DCS needs to be cycled for maintenance work, the internal umbilical is disconnected from the access cover and the replacement DCS and its umbilical can then be connected to the access cover.

The hydro-met DCS represents a highly reliable, multi-disciplinary hardware and software system.


:    -8007

: www.annovatech.com
: caoye513



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