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您的位置:首頁  -  產(chǎn)品中心  -    -  生化儀器  -  美國Amerex臺式壓力蒸汽滅菌柜 AUTOCLAVES HVE-50

美國Amerex臺式壓力蒸汽滅菌柜 AUTOCLAVES HVE-50

  • 產(chǎn)品型號:
  • 更新時(shí)間:2024-06-18

簡要描述:美國Amerex臺式壓力蒸汽滅菌柜 AUTOCLAVES HVE-50


美國Amerex臺式壓力蒸汽滅菌柜 AUTOCLAVES HVE-50

Amerex is an established designer, manufacturer and supplier of quality and reliable laboratory equipment for the government, university, biotechnology and biomedical markets. Our product lines include autoclaves, shakers, incubators, ovens, and water baths. In the past two decades, Amerex has provided its customers with quality and reliable research equipment along with excellent after-sales service and prompt technical support.

The primary mission of Amerex Instruments is to provide quality, reliable and competitively-priced research equipment to the university, government, biotechnology, and biomedical markets, and to support the equipment with prompt technical after-sales service. During the past 20 years, this approach has demonstrated success and rewarded the company with many loyal repeat customers.

Amerex’s line of top-loading autoclaves from Hirayama, with manufacturing expertise spanning over 80 years, has consistently led the competition with innovative products that others have tried to emulate.

In 1991, Amerex introduced its own line of GYROMAX™ shakers. The GYROMAX™ shaker line includes platform, water-bath, and incubator shakers of various sizes and design configurations. Although incubator shakers had been available in the marketplace for decades, Amerex was the first shaker company to design and introduce an economical under-the-counter incubator shaker that incorporated a shelf for the simultaneous incubation of Petri dishes along with the shaking of liquids in flasks. It was also the first to introduce shakers that could stack on top of one another. Amerex products now include a full line of shakers, top-loading autoclaves, incubators, hybridization ovens, convection ovens and water baths.



美國 . Amerex 其它產(chǎn)品:

美國Amerex臺式壓力蒸汽滅菌柜AUTOCLAVES HV-25/HV-50/HV-85/HV-1

美國Amerex臺式壓力蒸汽滅菌柜AUTOCLAVES HVA-85/HVA-110

美國Amerex臺式壓力蒸汽滅菌柜AUTOCLAVES HG-50/HG-80

美國Amerex臺式壓力蒸汽滅菌柜AUTOCLAVE HVP-50

美國Amerex振蕩培養(yǎng)箱 Incubator Shakers 737/737R/747/747R






: www.annovatech.com






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