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產(chǎn)品中心/ products

您的位置:首頁(yè)  -  產(chǎn)品中心  -  氣體檢測儀  -    -  多功能除味包


  • 產(chǎn)品型號:
  • 更新時(shí)間:2024-06-16




使用方法:拆開(kāi)包裝后,可將其放入汽車(chē)內、冷藏庫、臥室、衛生間、廚房、儲藏室,起到除濕除臭、凈化空氣等作用,另對古玩書(shū)畫(huà)、鋼琴樂(lè )器的防霉變形、冰箱除臭保鮮、衣柜防霉防蟲(chóng)、米缸、茶葉、海鮮干貨、土特產(chǎn)品的防霉防蛀,達到保鮮、除濕、除臭、殺菌的目的。
1、 使用期限:一年
2、  每使用1個(gè)月,可晾曬一次后重復使用。
3、  切勿拆封食用。
    Loobo Bamboo Charcoal is made from aged mountain bamboo , and it's processed by high-temp thermal decomposition technologies to kiln for over twenty days . Its surface area per gram is up to 500-700sqm . And its core tube is well developed . So it's strong in function to expel moisture , remove odor ,protect against mildewing , insect , and moth eating .It works to purify air , and keep food fresh , and within 24-hours , the bamboo charcoal can absorb to quickly reduce the level of formaldehyde and benzene in air.It's the first choice to improve modern family life .
     How to use : After open the package , put into car , refrigerator , bedroom , restroom , kitchen , and storage room , so as to keep functional to remove moisture and odor , and purify air . In addition , it can protect antique . Ancient painting and callingraphy against mildewing and insect while put into closet , and help rice container , tea , dried seafood , and local specialty prevent from mildewing and moth eating .
    Suggestion :
    1、Service Life : one year .
    2、Keep exposed to the sun for drying after use for one month , so as to keep desirable in use  .
    3、Do not unpack for taking orally .





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