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產(chǎn)品中心/ products

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  • 產(chǎn)品型號:
  • 更新時(shí)間:2024-06-16

簡(jiǎn)要描述:The Net Safety SafeGuard Alarm Controller is designed as a cost-effective mini-system controller alternative to expensive PLC systems.



The Net Safety SafeGuard Alarm Controller is designed as a cost-effective mini-system controller alternative to expensive PLC systems. The SafeGuard comes standard with a centralized, easy-to-read LCD providing simultaneous status on 16 channel inputs as well as several expansion options including Mimic Display capabilities and HMI software packages. The SafeGuard can be equipped for any application, indoors or out, with your choice of a basic wallmount, a weather-proof fiberglass enclosure or rackpanel mounting.

The SafeGuard is easy to configure and user friendly. Measurement ranges in engineering units, adjustable alarm set-points, dual serial interfaces and many other features combine to allow the SafeGuard to satisfy the needs of many demanding applications. It is widely used for centralizing the display and alarm processing functions in critical flame and gas detection applications.

Analog inputs may be accepted and conditioned via sensor specific analog input cards. An RS-485 Modbus slave port allows up to 128 SafeGuard's to be multidropped onto a single data highway for interrogation by another Modbus master. SafeGuard's may also be cascaded by connecting one unit's master port to another's slave port. SafeGuard options such as discrete alarm relays per channel or 4-20mA I/O are added by connecting appropriate 8 channel boards (2 required for more than 8 channels) to the economical I2C expansion bus. Familiar "ephone style" cables and connectors interface to this bus. Versatile, expandable, and a wide range of system configuration options - satisfying the most demanding user applications.


: -8030

/ carrie_861121




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