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Millennium顆粒催化劑可燃氣體檢測儀 Net Safety

  • 產(chǎn)品型號:
  • 更新時(shí)間:2024-06-16

簡(jiǎn)要描述:The Millennium Series is an innovative line of industrial gas detectors. Its microcontroller provides fast, accurate and continuous monitoring of gases in extreme environments.



The Millennium Series is an innovative line of industrial gas detectors. Its microcontroller provides fast, accurate and continuous monitoring of gases in extreme environments.

Using a modular design, Millennium products can easily develop and adapt to changing requirements, regulations and available technologies. No need to redesign an entire system - simply replace one inexpensive "personality module" with another. Not only will the new "personality module" provide additional or enhanced functionality, it will easily integrate into your existing system.

The compact and explosion-proof Millennium features a power disconnect switch to simplify maintenance, a scrolling LED display for calibration and configuration and meter jacks for easy current loop monitoring.The internal circuitry is equally well designed with performance enhancing proprietary circuits and firmware.

The best designers, technologies and components make Net Safety products responsive, precise, and reliable in the most extreme conditions.

We provide products at a competitive price, with superior functionality and demonstrated effectiveness.


: -8030

/ carrie_861121


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