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  • 產(chǎn)品型號:
  • 更新時(shí)間:2024-06-15





Inligent - Integrated - Programmable - Logic Controller
The Chameleon Controller is an inligent, integrated, programmable logic controller, the cost effective way of monitoring and controlling a whole range of equipment.
This integrated unit offers inputs, outputs, keypad, digital display and onboard real-time clock. All of the monitoring and control operations can be written and downloaded from a PC.
The Chameleon is designed to fit in with almost any system, taking on the required attributes. This controller can be configured to handle a wide range of control and monitoring applications. One control system that satisfies a spectrum of applications.
The Chameleon抯 fully integrated design is specially useful when changes in practice or procedure demand alterations to installed systems.
It is simple to retrofit the Chameleon to control essential improvements and this can not only cut the costs, but can also streamline the whole installation process.
Accepts inputs from 2 analogue 4-20mA sources and 4 volt-free relays (this is expandable). The inputs can come from a wide range of sensors used to monitor the status of almost any type of equipment or process.
Provides 2 analogue 4-20mA and 4 volt- free relays as outputs which can be used to control other operations when the controller has processed the input data.
The logic used to perform the monitoring and control operations can be written on a P.C. and downloaded to the controller.
The information from the controller can also be downloaded to a PC, or, in the case of a remote installation it can be collected via a modem.
Onboard real-time clock for controlling and timing events. The clock can be used to initiate an action or to control the length of time of an action. It can also be used to control reactions, e.g. an action and response alarm delay.
Digital display can indicate the currently monitored readings and the status of the I/O settings. Constants used by the software can be entered using the front panel keypad.
Additional input connections
Your own algorithms may be used.
DIVERSE can write the algorithms to suit your requirement.
Ideal for controlling sewage and water treatment processes, security systems, irrigation installations, small chemical plants, ventilation and heating systems, chemical processes for reaction control, and many other
Can be used to read temperature, pressure, levels, flow rates, switches, pump and valve settings etc.
Can be used to control pumps, fans, valves, heaters, motors, alarms, etc.
: -8005  許敏


: annova8005
Emai: xm4208




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